Pound Japanese Yen Exchange Rate (GBP JPY) - Historical Chart

Interactive historical chart showing the daily British Pound - Japanese Yen (GBPJPY) exchange rate back to 1991.

GBP JPY - Historical Annual Data
Year Average
Closing Price
Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual
% Change
2024 193.16 179.63 207.64 179.44 197.84 10.20%
2023 175.14 157.53 188.46 156.43 179.53 13.18%
2022 161.86 155.76 171.25 151.18 158.62 1.93%
2021 151.09 141.16 158.15 139.92 155.63 10.12%
2020 137.01 144.05 144.62 125.76 141.33 -1.94%
2019 139.27 139.73 148.40 127.16 144.12 3.11%
2018 147.19 152.16 156.05 139.67 139.78 -8.18%
2017 144.54 144.33 152.74 136.07 152.23 5.35%
2016 147.61 178.35 178.35 125.49 144.50 -18.44%
2015 185.07 184.69 195.43 176.03 177.18 -4.95%
2014 174.18 172.31 189.17 164.59 186.40 6.76%
2013 152.79 141.78 174.59 139.02 174.59 24.05%
2012 126.55 119.97 140.74 117.72 140.74 17.74%
2011 127.81 126.47 139.55 117.02 119.53 -5.61%
2010 135.40 148.91 149.05 125.80 126.63 -15.65%
2009 146.62 133.90 162.71 122.67 150.12 13.33%
2008 192.17 217.08 217.08 130.07 132.46 -40.16%
2007 235.69 233.01 250.10 221.35 221.35 -5.00%
2006 214.45 202.83 233.49 201.11 233.01 14.87%
2005 200.20 195.70 212.72 190.73 202.85 3.05%
2004 198.16 192.01 206.81 191.02 196.85 2.92%
2003 189.26 191.48 198.76 180.75 191.27 -0.07%
2002 187.94 191.14 196.03 180.29 191.40 -0.04%
2001 174.97 171.84 191.47 166.82 191.47 12.16%
2000 163.32 165.05 178.62 148.77 170.71 3.43%
1999 183.79 185.80 201.00 163.05 165.05 -12.86%
1998 216.77 217.86 240.46 189.40 189.40 -11.99%
1997 198.28 195.62 217.91 182.02 215.20 8.28%
1996 170.00 161.54 198.75 156.78 198.75 23.85%
1995 148.33 157.42 164.26 130.33 160.48 2.75%
1994 156.40 165.10 168.79 149.76 156.18 -5.40%
1993 166.74 187.97 194.66 148.60 165.10 -12.40%
1992 223.58 232.10 248.55 187.10 188.46 -19.00%